Discrete Dynamic with the command line interface#

NeurEcoRNN is the executable used for building, evaluating and exporting Discrete Dynamic models. The executable can be called directly from a terminal / powershell only after a full installation (the portable version does not offer this option). To call the executable, run the command:


which will output:

Running NeurEco Dynamic version 4.01.1154.0 compiled with MSVC v1928  on Dec  5 2022 @ 15:55:33
usage: neurecoRNN [-h] [command <parameters>]

Entry point for neurecoRNN network building and evaluation.

build <configurationFilename>
        build a neurecoRNN network from a given input solution/excitation set.

evaluate <configurationFilename>
        evaluate a neurecoRNN network from a given input solution/excitation set.

exportFMU <serialized network full path> <FMU model full path> <ORed platform flag (windows=1, linux=2)>
        export a serialized network as an FMU file.

Optional arguments:
-h, --help   show this message and exit

Only build, evaluate and export to FMU are available via call to executable.